Genetics, Epigenetics and Ethics: melting frontiers

8° Edition | November 08, 2011 – event organized by: ab medica
16° Edizione Il futuro della sanità


Mr. Aldo Cerruti and Dr. Anna Moles

CEO ab medica S.p.A. and Ph. D. Scientific Director Genomnia S.r.l
Welcome Introduction

Dr. Saskia Biskup

CEO and co-founder, CeGaT GmbH – Tübingen
Target Re-sequencing in human genetic diagnostics

Dr. Kenneth McElreavey

Director, Human Developmental Genetics, Institut Pasteur – Paris
Exome sequencing to understand the genetic basis of rare diseases:
example of Disorders of Sex Development (DSD)

Prof. Marco Battaglia

Director, Academic Centre for the Study of Behavioural Plasticity, Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele – Milano
Epigenetics as a bridge on the ‘translational divide’:
early parental separation and risk for anxiety phenotype in human and mouse

Prof. Amedeo Santosuosso

Councillor, Corte d’Appello di Milano
President, European Center for Law, Science and New Technologies, Università di Pavia
When medicine deals with life: what about the rights for the people?

