Saving Strategies

9° Edition | November 19, 2012 – event organized by: ab medica
16° Edizione Il futuro della sanità


Welcome Introduction

Sig. Aldo Cerruti – Dott. Enzo Chilelli
President, ab medica S.p.A. – General Manager, Federsanità-ANCI

Health Technology Assessment: analysis and evaluation

Prof. Claudio Jommi
Università Bocconi, Milano

A Regional experience: assessment and introduction of new technologies

Dott.ssa Teresa Gasparetto
Member of the Program “Research, Innovation and Health Technology Assessment” and member of CRITE, Regione Veneto

Radioterapy in high technology era: patient management

Prof. Roberto Orecchia
Director, Divisione di Radioterapia, Istituto Europeo di Oncologia, Milano

Adoption of technologies for surgical field: the project for a new Regional Robotic Center

Dott. Carlo Tomassini
General Manager, Azienda Ospedaliera Pisana

The event will be moderated by Dr. Enzo Chilelli

